
Managed Services Offers Predictable Results

b2ap3_thumbnail_MSP400.jpgYou decide to take your workstation to a local computer repair shop because its running slower than a turtle at a dead run. Then after you’ve waited for the Computer Technician to fix your computer you find out it wasn’t broken, it just needed a defragmentation and a little bit of malware removal. This is caused from carelessness that tends to happen because of the busy work day.

So now your computer is running smoothly again, but inevitably, you’re going to be in the same position in the near future. Then, once more, you’re going to be at the mercy of the Computer Repair Shop. Perhaps you wanna be on a first name basis with the computer technician and shell out hundreds of dollars over and over again to fix the same problem, not to mention the overhead associated with the downtime. Somehow, we doubt it. It’s a controllable expense and Vantage Point has a solution.

If you feel you can relate to this ongoing trend, all of us at Vantage Point are here to provide valuable solutions to these technological problems. Vantage Point provides a comprehensive service package featuring remote monitoring that allows you to be proactive instead of reactive with your IT. All this at a comparable flat-rate as a Computer Repair Shop would charge you to fix it reactively.

So why choose Vantage Point instead of taking it to the Computer Repair Shop? It may cost close to the same price but now you don’t have the overhead cost of downtime or the hinderance of disconnecting your equipment and then driving it to the shop. We do it when your not there, allowing your productivity to increase when you are there.

More information about this and all of our featured services can be obtained by contacting us at 225.242.9309. Make a difference to your bottom line and contact Vantage Point today. Let us take on the hassle, so you don’t have to!

Source: vp 300-400